Forums - NOTHING stops Sentinel. Yes. NOTHING. Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- NOTHING stops Sentinel. Yes. NOTHING. ( Posted by Nate X Grey on August 26th, 2001 03:55 PM: NOTHING stops Sentinel. Yes. NOTHING. Ok... Maybe Cable/CapCom. Other than Cable, nothing can touch Sentinel. Why is Sentinel so damn good? Strider/Doom can't really ensure victory against a good Sent. Magneto get owned. Storm loses. Spiral can't win because Sent will just trade till you die. BH has a very hard time. Doom/BH hates flying Sent. Everyone else gets droned, stomped, frying panned, lasered, chipped, supered to death. His stamina is godly. The damage he deals is great. He can trade hits with most character having 2 lifebars and STILL win. I think I finally see just why every top player has Sentinel in his team. __________________ DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by diegovaz on August 26th, 2001 04:20 PM: the best team against sentinel or cable imo is my best team, doom/storm/cc. Doom with cc assist can photon and shoot the laser all day against sentinel and storm can runaway. __________________ SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR MVC2 ONLINE Posted by DemiDeviMatt on August 26th, 2001 04:24 PM: bitching will get u nowhere...but sent vs sent will work?...or if ur playing a guy who is using sent bring a frying pan as if u are sent and smack em w/ it...hehe...someone said that to me when i played chen...only i was kim in cvs so i had to kick em in da head... but sent does pretty much owns...actually a runaway storm w/ like a good aaa assist works IMO... __________________ Dr. Light: "YOU GOT REVOLUTION DANCE!" (AV Made By the AV god Psycho Squall) Posted by Amingo on August 26th, 2001 05:11 PM: why nate what happened neo's sentinel pissed you off? i would think that strider doom capcom should be able to give sent a lot of trouble... cos sent's stamina doesn't apply to chip an ultra-chip based team such as strider doom does damn lot to him comparatively... sentinel cable capcom! Posted by batsu13 on August 26th, 2001 05:19 PM: I guess I have not played against good Sentiels cuz my or other Mags have gotten around him. The only thing that saves him would be an AAA. __________________ Tags, Monkeys, Ohh Yeah...... My site Posted by shadowcharlie on August 26th, 2001 05:23 PM: assist wise sent can be stuffed in the air with ken's aaa or on the ground(and his assist s too) with capAM dash assist __________________ still c-h-a-r-l-i-e still NamCo's #1 fan.still representin' EURO gangstahs' allll around the world. Posted by ShhhLong on August 26th, 2001 05:39 PM: i have heard from some people that ken on point can stop sentinel. cause if sentinel does his HSF and then ken does his super dragon punches (dont know the real name of it) after sentinel, ken will win. Posted by Ironmetal22 on August 26th, 2001 06:49 PM: Complaining about Sentinel ey well you shouldnt look at Cable. Anyways I have alot of experience with Sent myself. Its true nothing can stop a very smartly played SEntinel. At my arcade I own all Cables and sometimes they have Commando to. And there thinking now his dead that isnt the case however I still get around but it is extremly hard. In my opinion the only bad match up Sentinel has is Doom/BH If sent flies hes caught by BHaaa and so on. You will have to be at youre very best against them 2. Posted by Raz0r on August 26th, 2001 07:15 PM: This is a shotty report. The comparisons aren't all true. Storm can run away AND rush down Sent. Mag is deadly to Sent because of his rushdown. Sent alone can't keep them away. Strider/Doom dominates Sent. It's been proven that Strider can beat most Sentinels. Once the Ouroboros are activated, that's it. The Strider/Doom trap will happen or if the Orbs connect, it will lead into Strider's Sent infinite. Cable eats up Sent, but he must have more than 3 supers to do so because of his stamina. Please watch the matches closely before you comment on them. Thank you for your time. __________________ Team |\/|urda! Genghis: "As for Strider/Doom, he (yes strider/doom is one character)" Posted by blt on August 26th, 2001 07:27 PM: it's been proven that cable/cammy destroys sentinel with ease. even better than cable/capcom. __________________ i love my coast Posted by Roo_Matthew on August 26th, 2001 07:33 PM: Magneto owns Sentinel all day. Screw a Capcomm (aa)assist. Storms Hail-Storm untill death.Tri-Jump all over a good Sentinel and he can't do shit, and if he's in the corner....It's all over. Just infinite to death with anyone. If you loose pick Cable. . Use it as a last priority though. __________________ Magneto-Storm-Psylocke....#1 team Team Wisconsin takin over.....Much love Mid-West. Shot out to Slawta-Jago666-SSJGohan-ERROR-C-Klo-and everyone else from Wisconsin dominating! Posted by DeathFromAbove on August 26th, 2001 08:08 PM: It's not just Cable, ya know. Anybody with a high reaching AAA can give Sent a run for his money. Oh, and Capcom (at point), and Tron Bonne do well against him. -DFA __________________ Insert witty comment here. Posted by S3nTiN3L on August 26th, 2001 08:09 PM: you guys swere like the oponent dosent have a AAA and rush down would get stoped and sent+tron (pro) stops rush down FLAT ive almost got perfects on storms and mags with these two the only problem i hade was with a run away Doom (no aaa jus sent/cable/tron and cables aint THAT great its good but not great) but once i bring him down its OVER __________________ MvsC3 Posted by Silver Paladin on August 26th, 2001 08:32 PM: Servbot. You may think that I'm kidding, but I'm not. Servbot/Doom/Cable is doom for Sentinel. Why? Servbot is a Tiny Muthafucka: There's exactly 4 moves that will hit a Servbot and 1 Hyper Combo. Jab Rocketpunch (he can dodge by walking forward though), Sentinel Force (he can dodge by walking forward), Sentinel Force Bombs (dashing forward/backwards can avoid it), Stomp and the Hyper Sentinel Force. The Launch will miss, the pink laser will miss, everything else will miss. Sentinel is a Huge Muthafucka: If you thought Servbot chipped bad...look out Sentinel. The guy is so huge that he takes EXTRA chipping damage. Remember, Sentinel's stamina does not apply to chipping damage, so he actually gets raped HARDER by Servbot than other characters. I've seen as much as 60% on 1 Call Doom XX Legion. Servbot IS a joke character. However, in this case, his strengths seem perfect designed to stop Sentinel while his weaknesses (namely stamina) aren't really a factor because Sentinel can't hit him. Plus Sentinel's chips have nothing on him because he's so tiny that only the bottom row of HSF will hit him. __________________ ~ Victurus te Saluto ~ ~ Salute the Victors ~ Posted by CaliScrub on August 26th, 2001 09:28 PM: I'm not really that good at MvC2, but... I would think Servbot gets raped by flying Sentinel. As long as you have an AAA that can take care of Doom AND Cable assists (Cyclops or Ken? I'm not really an expert on assist invincibility properties), can't Sentinel just fly around baiting assists, then stomping the hell out of Servbot? The boot does reach the ground... and if you can't stop Sentinel from flying, Doom + Legion won't do you any good if he avoids most of it. So how does Servbot stop Sentinel from flying? I suppose maybe Servbot/Commando or Servbot/Cammy might have a slight advantage... hmmm, I'm not any good at this kind of analysis. Posted by cheese_master on August 26th, 2001 10:08 PM: Re: NOTHING stops Sentinel. Yes. NOTHING. quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Ok... Maybe Cable/CapCom. Other than Cable, nothing can touch Sentinel. Why is Sentinel so damn good? Strider/Doom can't really ensure victory against a good Sent. Magneto get owned. Storm loses. Spiral can't win because Sent will just trade till you die. BH has a very hard time. Doom/BH hates flying Sent. Everyone else gets droned, stomped, frying panned, lasered, chipped, supered to death. His stamina is godly. The damage he deals is great. He can trade hits with most character having 2 lifebars and STILL win. I think I finally see just why every top player has Sentinel in his team. If nothing beats Sentinel other than Cable... then how did Viscant (the best Storm player around) beat Alex Valle (hands down the best Sentinel player around) with Doom/Storm/Cyclops? Sent's unfly patterns can be read and really taken advantage of... that is why Cable fares so well against him... that and the j. fp he has. IMO... one of the reasons Doom is still in the top tier is cuz he is one of the few chars that neutralize most of Sent's large arsenal. In all honesty... Magneto has a very good change against Sent... I was inspired by ShadyK's Magneto in the vids. Valle's Sent didn't do jack cept for one round against Magneto. In fact Magneto/Psy... if they land one hit on Sent can end the entire match for him... land a hit... snap him out... bring in his AAA... and guard break into reset combo or high damage combo... then either kill or damage the AAA. Then... if Magneto can rush Sent and if Sent calls out his AAA stupidly... Magneto can simply Magnetic Tempest and then DHC to a super like the Hailstorm... and kill the assist. Sent get raped by Magneto and Storm. Sent is a great character... but he has a lot of flaws. Its just that u gotta learn to exploit them. __________________ A bum asks a man for two dollars. The man says, "If I give you the money, will you just use it to buy booze?" The bum says no. The man asks, "Will you spend it off in the arcade?" The bum says no. Then the man asks, "Then will you come home with me so my wife can see what happens to a man who doesn’t drink or play videogames?" Posted by Monkey on August 26th, 2001 10:38 PM: Dont ya just love Sentinel though..Ha. I'm starting to use him as well, maybe I'll have more success.. -m0nkey __________________ Infinites R Us.. Magneto, Psylocke, Storm, Cyclops, Dr. Doom, Chun Li, Cammy, Silver Samurai Posted by Red Spiral on August 26th, 2001 11:27 PM: Re: NOTHING stops Sentinel. Yes. NOTHING. quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Ok... Maybe Cable/CapCom. Other than Cable, nothing can touch Sentinel. Why is Sentinel so damn good? Strider/Doom can't really ensure victory against a good Sent. Magneto get owned. Storm loses. Spiral can't win because Sent will just trade till you die. BH has a very hard time. Doom/BH hates flying Sent. Everyone else gets droned, stomped, frying panned, lasered, chipped, supered to death. His stamina is godly. The damage he deals is great. He can trade hits with most character having 2 lifebars and STILL win. I think I finally see just why every top player has Sentinel in his team. Strider/Doom kills Sentinel. Magneto and Storm kick his ass too. It's not impossible to beat these people, but they have the advantage over Sentinel. Next time, learn to beat Sentinel, then talk. __________________ Once the Cable's Disconnected, the Party's Over! To Be Victorious, Your Hands Must Be Faster Than Your Mind. Tagmonkey! - The Best Avatar Makers on the Web. Posted by Smiley on August 27th, 2001 01:27 AM: actually, any traps work on the big lug cause he's so damn big... of course, once he get's in the air, it's a different story. and i think capcom gets snuffed by flying stomps. not to sure tho... can someone clarify plz? and about servbot, yeah, i think servebot's the perfect thing to take on sentinal... so... i gotta new question... how does servebot beat sent??? if he does, i'll use servebot ONLY against sent... __________________ When in doubt, Cheese 'em out! -Last words of Smiley, before becoming a grateful scrub Posted by BrazilionBH on August 27th, 2001 01:39 AM: Cable beats him storm can beat him magneto can and spiral. Posted by Silver Paladin on August 27th, 2001 02:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by Smiley so... i gotta new question... how does servebot beat sent??? if he does, i'll use servebot ONLY against sent... Well, you just kinda play like you would against any one else, except for 1 difference; Sentinel can't hit you and he's so big and fat that everything you throw at him will hit him. I see a lot of success from people (actually just 1 guy) doing a C. FP to trip him, Call Doom (OTG), Legion super. The key to doing a lot of damage is to time the Legion super correctly; MvC2 will only allow a certain number of sprites on the screen at anyone time, so if you cancel too early, the Doom Rocks will interrupt the sprite count so you get very little Legion critters. Wait until the rocks hit and are going offscreen, then hit the Legion super. Remember, the goal isn't to combo in the Legion super; you WANT him to block. Legion does as much damage blocked as it does hit; however in the case of Sentinel, his super armor and his size makes him take more block damage that he takes hit damage. Legion does the most damage approximately 1 normal jump above ground; the Doom rock OTG should hit him to that place; once he's there, Legion. __________________ ~ Victurus te Saluto ~ ~ Salute the Victors ~ Posted by Cable0002 on August 27th, 2001 03:23 AM: in my opinion, Storm can own Sent. Magneto with Psylocke can own Sent. Cable DOES own Sent. Spiral with Capcom will own Sent. Sent vs Sent, 1P Sent will win. Ironman vs Sent, Ironman will win by an inch. Cyclops is a Sent Killer too. basically, no Sent is better than anybody. the only chars that Sent has a real, and unorthodox advantage on, are pixie teams. __________________ C A B L E - The Mercenary Soldier From The Future. Better Known As Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring Summers. Son of Cyclops. current X-Force member and Top-Tier of MvsCII. Ruler of Askani, The Only ASKANI'SON!! __________________ my AHVB stands for: Against Having Various Bitches __________________ Posted by Blackheart2097 on August 27th, 2001 03:33 AM: Re: NOTHING stops Sentinel. Yes. NOTHING. quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Ok... Maybe Cable/CapCom. Other than Cable, nothing can touch Sentinel. Why is Sentinel so damn good? Strider/Doom can't really ensure victory against a good Sent. Magneto get owned. Storm loses. Spiral can't win because Sent will just trade till you die. BH has a very hard time. Doom/BH hates flying Sent. Everyone else gets droned, stomped, frying panned, lasered, chipped, supered to death. His stamina is godly. The damage he deals is great. He can trade hits with most character having 2 lifebars and STILL win. I think I finally see just why every top player has Sentinel in his team. STOP SUCKING SENTINEL COCK ALREADY DAMN!! SPIRAL, STORM, CABLE, DOOM, ALL BEAT HIM. MAGNETO LOSES 2 SENTINEL. CAPCOM ALSO DOES PRETTY GOOD AGAINST SENTINEL WITH HIS GRABS AND THE FLYING MUMMY. SO STOP LICKING HIS BALLS ALREADY __________________ Blackheart is the only god! We all must bow down to him or welcome death. He is the ultimate being. Posted by Infiniti on August 27th, 2001 03:43 AM: i don't know why you guys are all talking about how, so and so, dominates, this game is all about match ups. there are no tiers, there are only tier teams. and those are soley based on probably 50 person's idea of how the game should be played. so be original. __________________ really doe. Posted by LomBeR on August 27th, 2001 03:46 AM: Servbot is great against sent! I had read somewhere that if Sent blocked 5 Lunchtime Legions then he'd have 90% of his lifebar gone! So you could summon maybe doom AAA or some kind of ground assist and just do 5 of Servbots Lunchtime Legions! so boo ya! Sent ---> Servbot ----> __________________ I am a Paul Scrub As well as a Servbot Master My Servbot has the Power To destroy all who oppose it! My "Lunchtime Legion" is unstopable even if you block it! Fear my Servbot! "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!" Posted by S3nTiN3L on August 27th, 2001 04:34 AM: I think ALL of you are wrong cuz it dont matter on the char. it matters WHO is playing. the char dont move them selfs people move them and for server bot has everyone forgoten (obviously) that he takes DOUBLE DAMAGE!! 2 or 3 rocket punches and hes dead or you can stomp him ALL day if you have your own doom or capcom and what dose server bot do against Sent+BH on the floor and flying sure you can walk past sent force but WILL YOU......... NO becouse you know if you time it wrong there goes ohhh 1/4 of your life and then there is still the BH assist. i mean you guys can argue ALLLLLLL you want and it wont prove SHIT!! cuz its the player not the CHAR. __________________ MvsC3 Posted by SSF2T on August 27th, 2001 07:02 AM: Umm... BH alone can take out Sent. BH can take care of the Air and Gnd. He has range, and minions/demons at his will. If BH can stop Cable, what makes you think Sent. can do better than Cable. __________________ "FATAL FURY 2" [Terry Bogard] If you're really good, then you wouldn't need to pick on guys weaker than you are. Posted by Dank on August 27th, 2001 07:20 AM: BH's moves have too much lag to be effective against a good Sent, and Sent absolutely owns BH on the ground. In the air, they're at worst evenly matched. Throw in Sent's ungodly stamina, ALL of his moves do chip damage, his EASY 100% combo, and there's no way BH stands a chance. Sentinel is just TOO GOOD. Posted by SSF2T on August 27th, 2001 07:29 AM: Sj. fwd Fir or Rndh, and air dash back. That's al l you need to keep Sentinal still. Then Inferno XX HOD. Chip to death. On the Gnd, duck and poke with the sht, and then just get back up into the air. BH may have lag time, but Sent. has more lag time. __________________ "FATAL FURY 2" [Terry Bogard] If you're really good, then you wouldn't need to pick on guys weaker than you are. Posted by Dasrik on August 27th, 2001 08:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by SSF2T Sj. fwd Fir or Rndh, and air dash back. That's al l you need to keep Sentinal still. Then Inferno XX HOD. Chip to death. On the Gnd, duck and poke with the sht, and then just get back up into the air. BH may have lag time, but Sent. has more lag time. As a Blackheart player, I can say that this is completely wrong. Sentinel doesn't have any lag on things that matter. HSF, regular Sentinel Force, and Rocket Punch don't have lag time that Blackheart can exploit. Any regulars of his with lag can be simply canceled with flying. The lag of Sentinel's moves is a non-issue against BH because Blackheart simply doesn't have a way to counter moves from a large distance. On paper, Sentinel wins this fight because he has total ground advantage over BH. Sure, Blackheart can pretty much keep Sentinel from flying with sj.fierce demons xx airdash back, but you need to be sure that Sentinel will take to the sky, and Sent doesn't NEED to jump to fight BH. Roundhouse demons will not punch through Sentinel's superarmor, and take nearly nothing off his lifebar to boot. So if BH sj.s and drops RH demons, Sentinel can just chill like nothing's happening. Wait for Blackheart to drop and hit him with a well placed s.RH or snapback. With the superjump threat neutralized, there's only the ground game, and Sentinel completely owns Blackheart there. Any offense BH could hope to form gets nullified by stand/crouch fierce. This includes inferno xx HOD. Jumping attacks get owned by the frying pan. If Sent actually has BH assisting, then Blackheart gets owned. Sent/BH vs. BH/AAA is one of those washouts where you have to hope to get lucky. And Cable not owning Blackheart does NOT mean Blackheart owns Cable. It's still a very hard fight, especially if BH's team is losing. __________________ The closest thing I feel to happiness is when I'm on the road going to someplace unknown... Posted by Nate X Grey on August 27th, 2001 08:44 AM: If any of you think I can't beat Sentinel... you've either not been on these boards long enough or something. Its just that I believe Sentinel has the advantage against almost everyone except Strider/Doom and Cable/AAA. His armour and great damage really make up for the number of hits he will take. For example, against Doom, he can take many of your photons, then one frying pan brings the match even again. Sentinel/CapCom is really REALLY good. I'm gonna start using him from now on. Mags just won't cut it anymore. I OCVed the best Magneto player around here(Kirkster. He posts on these boards too. Think ShadyK like rushdown. TONS of resets) with my Sent. And my Sent ain't even good. Sentinel can simply trade hits with anyone and come out tops. About the comment on how ShadyK lost to Viscant's Storm... view those 4 videos from Clockw0rk. Look at how little Sent takes. One mistake from Storm and its around half a lifebar gone. I beat Sentinel very often. But against a good Sentinel, I'm lost. Too good. He should be above Storm IMHO. Too much armour, too much vitality, too much damage. Probably the best character in the game. By the way, I started this thread looking for some VERY good anti Sent strats other than Cable/AAA. And I'm still looking. __________________ DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by SSF2T on August 27th, 2001 09:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik As a Blackheart player, I can say that this is completely wrong. Sentinel doesn't have any lag on things that matter. HSF, regular Sentinel Force, and Rocket Punch don't have lag time that Blackheart can exploit. Any regulars of his with lag can be simply canceled with flying. The lag of Sentinel's moves is a non-issue against BH because Blackheart simply doesn't have a way to counter moves from a large distance. Same thing goes with BH. He can canel his attacks into any special attacks, or HC. It doesn't really matter. The purpose is to find an openning, and rain down havoc. quote: Originally posted by Dasrik On paper, Sentinel wins this fight because he has total ground advantage over BH. Sure, Blackheart can pretty much keep Sentinel from flying with sj.fierce demons xx airdash back, but you need to be sure that Sentinel will take to the sky, and Sent doesn't NEED to jump to fight BH. Roundhouse demons will not punch through Sentinel's superarmor, and take nearly nothing off his lifebar to boot. So if BH sj.s and drops RH demons, Sentinel can just chill like nothing's happening. Wait for Blackheart to drop and hit him with a well placed s.RH or snapback. This is why you, 75% of the time, cancel into air dash back when throw the Red/Green Minions/Demons/Goblins, so that Sent. can't attack you. So what if Sent. do chill down there, your purpose build meters, and play the game "Chip of Death." quote: Originally posted by Dasrik With the superjump threat neutralized, there's only the ground game, and Sentinel completely owns Blackheart there. Any offense BH could hope to form gets nullified by stand/crouch fierce. This includes inferno xx HOD. Jumping attacks get owned by the frying pan. If Sent actually has BH assisting, then Blackheart gets owned. Sent/BH vs. BH/AAA is one of those washouts where you have to hope to get lucky. Ok. So now to the Gnd game. If he Firerces, you either duck, or jump/Sj, if you jump, air dash fwd, and sht, fwd, land sht, fwd. If he jumps, j.jab him. You are faster, and have some range, hopefully you reach. Ok, I have an AAA, but what if I chose someone other than an AAA. Say Juggernaut, with DT. I guard the Inferno, and send Juggernaut. And I hit the assist, I Inferno XX HOD. Now that the opponnet knows what I'm up to, he changes his pattern. He calls his assist, and Sent. Force. Then again, I call Juggernaut. To take the damage. Knowing that Inferno will only hit once, if guarded/blocked on the gnd. So I Inferno XX HOD. While Juggernaut takes out the Sent. Force. It doesn't matter. As long as he has BH as assist, Juggernaut will be able to protect BH long enough, so SF or HSF will be taken out, so BH will be able to Inferno XX HOD. quote: Originally posted by Dasrik And Cable not owning Blackheart does NOT mean Blackheart owns Cable. It's still a very hard fight, especially if BH's team is losing. No... but when ever Sent. goes up against Cable, he has the most problems. Kobun/ServBot does better than Sent. __________________ "FATAL FURY 2" [Terry Bogard] If you're really good, then you wouldn't need to pick on guys weaker than you are. Posted by Dasrik on August 28th, 2001 12:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by SSF2T Same thing goes with BH. He can canel his attacks into any special attacks, or HC. It doesn't really matter. The purpose is to find an openning, and rain down havoc. Not really. Blackheart's sole useful special (Inferno) has incredible lagtime, and can't be done in the air where you will most likely be calling your demons. Plus, it also has STARTUP time, which means Sentinel can fierce you before you even get to do it. Plus there is no relevant opening you can get on Sentinel if you are superjumping - the super armor will ensure that Sentinel can plug you with a roundhouse before you can chain your short into a forward. quote: This is why you, 75% of the time, cancel into air dash back when throw the Red/Green Minions/Demons/Goblins, so that Sent. can't attack you. So what if Sent. do chill down there, your purpose build meters, and play the game "Chip of Death." #1, I was speaking of the typical Blackheart strategy of (sj. roundhouse, air dash back, roundhouse again.). #2 airdashing back is exactly what you don't want to do on Sentinel, you lose positoning that way. BH wants to airdash forward and hope he can catch Sentinel doing something. #3 You can't chip Sentinel. If he's on the ground trapping you, you will never be able to do the Inferno that you need to setup Inferno XX HOD. quote: Ok. So now to the Gnd game. If he Firerces, you either duck, or jump/Sj, if you jump, air dash fwd, and sht, fwd, land sht, fwd. If he jumps, j.jab him. You are faster, and have some range, hopefully you reach. Sentinel's fierces have enough range and speed so that you are really playing a guessing game when choosing to duck under a standing one or jump over a crouching one. Definitely not in your favor, and not one you want to play if you're going for Inferno XX HOD. And the frying pan WILL trade at worst with Blackheart's jumping jab. quote: Ok, I have an AAA, but what if I chose someone other than an AAA. Say Juggernaut, with DT. I guard the Inferno, and send Juggernaut. And I hit the assist, I Inferno XX HOD. Now that the opponnet knows what I'm up to, he changes his pattern. He calls his assist, and Sent. Force. Then again, I call Juggernaut. To take the damage. Knowing that Inferno will only hit once, if guarded/blocked on the gnd. So I Inferno XX HOD. While Juggernaut takes out the Sent. Force. It doesn't matter. As long as he has BH as assist, Juggernaut will be able to protect BH long enough, so SF or HSF will be taken out, so BH will be able to Inferno XX HOD. You can use assist sac to take out the Sentinel/BH trap, but there are problems. First off, there are timing issues - you have to be out of blockstun long enough to call Juggy in, and make sure he comes in after you block the Inferno, or he's no longer a threat. Secondly, Sentinel is going to be pelting you alternately with fierces, rocket punches and Sentinel Forces. It's a gamble. If you lose the gamble, you stand a good chance of losing Juggernaut too. Thirdly, this particular strategy requires you to pick Juggy, who loses for free to both Sentinel and BH. __________________ The closest thing I feel to happiness is when I'm on the road going to someplace unknown... Posted by dungeon787 on August 28th, 2001 03:01 AM: Servbot/Doom/BH I dont have time to read all the posts but the bottom line is servbot rocks sentinel any day, as long as servbot doesnt get hit. The only attacks that can hit servbot are rocket punch, and a jumping kick; missile can be walked under, his super only does 3 hits. My servbot team- servbot, doom, BH rips sentinel. The way to do it is this: Servbot (gamma) come first, with BH (beta) as second char- this is important for linking supers. Just walk up and jump-roundhouse while calling doom. Once you get him to the corner he cant escape without helper assist. Jump roundhous/doom falling roundhouse, lk, trip-doom, repeat. The best combo for serbot is lk,trip and immediately call doom. If you time it right they cant roll and they get stoned (biblically speaking). Follow up with an air combo and call more doom. If he jumps (the only way to hit servbot) sentinel will try for a rocket punch or kick- either way call servbot's super. This is the best part- Call the super when sentinel is at head level of cable's height, and calll doom simultaneously. If he blocks its 46-50% chip. If sentinel doesnt block its 20-30%, but you connect it to blackheart, using either heart of darkness, bcq punch super, or armageddon. If you choose to use armageddon you can link it to an air combo, and with doom follow up. Point is servbot kicks sentinels ass, with good assists. Lastly- the best way to kill someone- use servbot's paper air plane. It is impossible to use and does only 1 chip, but oh so satisfying when it does work. Posted by SSF2T on August 28th, 2001 06:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Not really. Blackheart's sole useful special (Inferno) has incredible lagtime, and can't be done in the air where you will most likely be calling your demons. Plus, it also has STARTUP time, which means Sentinel can fierce you before you even get to do it. Plus there is no relevant opening you can get on Sentinel if you are superjumping - the super armor will ensure that Sentinel can plug you with a roundhouse before you can chain your short into a forward. It may have lag time. But since it has the homing ability, it had to be powered down. Another thing is, it may have start up time, but when do you know that BH will pull it off? So BH might change his pattern for just one attack, and doesn't air dash back. Which he'll fall with the minions/demons/goblins, land sht, and rndh, then Inferno XX HOD. This way there is no way Sentinal can Attack, except call an before BH even landed, or Sent. counters. The openning is to build meters, not really to damage him. So the Super Armor is useless against meter charging/buile up. quote: #1, I was speaking of the typical Blackheart strategy of (sj. roundhouse, air dash back, roundhouse again.). #2 airdashing back is exactly what you don't want to do on Sentinel, you lose positoning that way. BH wants to airdash forward and hope he can catch Sentinel doing something. #3 You can't chip Sentinel. If he's on the ground trapping you, you will never be able to do the Inferno that you need to setup Inferno XX HOD. 1) That's why there are different players. Some do the same old pattern, while others mix it up alittle, then there are those who goes against it all, and do something totally differnet. And unfortunatly, I don't ever do that pattern. 2) AirDash Back puts you in the perfect range. If Sent. is full screen, the screen will be pushed back, which Sent. will get hit by the minions/demons/goblins. And if Sent. is under you, you can land safely. Unless Sent. throws you... but unfortunatly, 50% of the time, Sent. will send out his assist, 40% he'll try to launch you, if missed/guarded he'll SF or RP, and 10% he'll throw you. 3) Unless you sacrifice an assist. quote: Sentinel's fierces have enough range and speed so that you are really playing a guessing game when choosing to duck under a standing one or jump over a crouching one. Definitely not in your favor, and not one you want to play if you're going for Inferno XX HOD. And the frying pan WILL trade at worst with Blackheart's jumping jab. ...So where are we on the screen? Ok what ever... what if I just guarded it. Take the chip damage... only if Sent. attacks low though. One line/pixel is nothing compared to Inferno XX HOD. quote: You can use assist sac to take out the Sentinel/BH trap, but there are problems. First off, there are timing issues - you have to be out of blockstun long enough to call Juggy in, and make sure he comes in after you block the Inferno, or he's no longer a threat. Secondly, Sentinel is going to be pelting you alternately with fierces, rocket punches and Sentinel Forces. It's a gamble. If you lose the gamble, you stand a good chance of losing Juggernaut too. Thirdly, this particular strategy requires you to pick Juggy, who loses for free to both Sentinel and BH. Simple enough. If you duck, Sent. is forced to send the SF low... well... he pretty much going to do that either way... unless he fears that the opponnet is going to jump, which he'll send them high for a moment, then back down again. The Inferno is faster than the SF. That's why the trap works. Inferno hits, stunning, but not to long. At the same time disabling the jump. Then SF will fly in, hitting, which will stun even longer, giving Sent. the time to fierce, and do it all over again. Now the only problem to the trap, is the same problem that explain why Cable is able to get out of it. The Inferno doesn't stun long enough. Giving the opponnet about a split sec. to retaliate. The SF is not really fast either. So sending in Jugg will just barely cancel the attack. Giving you chance to attack. Juggernaut is not the only who is able to do this, Hulk, Colussus, and... will.. mainly the big tall guys... or anyone who dashes in as an assist attack... hey Zangeif MIGHT be able to break this trap... as assist that is. Now for the second thing. As soon as Sent. changes that trap, BH gets an openning, and rains down havoc all over again. Third... Juggernaut is a battery. Which most likely, he'll be last. Which another character will come before hand, to make sure that the trap will not work. __________________ "FATAL FURY 2" [Terry Bogard] If you're really good, then you wouldn't need to pick on guys weaker than you are. Posted by Bruton on August 28th, 2001 08:02 AM: With Sent, you can do a fierce, and cancel to flying with CapCom assist against an air BH. BH simply doesn't have the speed and trapping potential that Sent has. Megaman IMO is still fairly good against Sent, despite what ppl say. __________________ -Bruton Why do all of my opponents seem to be set to one star? Posted by SSF2T on August 28th, 2001 08:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Bruton With Sent, you can do a fierce, and cancel to flying with CapCom assist against an air BH. BH simply doesn't have the speed and trapping potential that Sent has. Megaman IMO is still fairly good against Sent, despite what ppl say. If BH is far, Sent. will eat some minons/demons/goblins. If mid screen, BH might eat some electric shocks, and Sent. might eat some more havoc. Close BH eats electric shocks for breafast, lunch, and dinner. And Yeah... I think MM is a good character against Sent. __________________ "FATAL FURY 2" [Terry Bogard] If you're really good, then you wouldn't need to pick on guys weaker than you are. Posted by silenttiger on August 28th, 2001 12:39 PM: Nate, you got me curious. Post some strats. I got some teams I might plug sentinel into. __________________ Knowledge = Power "A samurai lives his life with but one certainty; he must die..." (Avatar by Khufu) Posted by Blackheart2097 on August 28th, 2001 04:47 PM: the best way to beat sentinel is to keep his ass on the ground he at his weakest when he is on the ground. try not to let him get above u. stay in his horizontel view and keep him on the ground. but watch out for his frying pan. __________________ Blackheart is the only god! We all must bow down to him or welcome death. He is the ultimate being. Posted by iRoNMaN!|LiU| on August 28th, 2001 04:55 PM: Actually Sent. Has a problem when he gets rushed. __________________ "I'm Unstoppable!" Posted by Blackheart2097 on August 28th, 2001 05:05 PM: yeah i already knew. rushing keeps him on the ground like i said before __________________ Blackheart is the only god! We all must bow down to him or welcome death. He is the ultimate being. Posted by Naslectronical on August 28th, 2001 05:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by iRoNMaN!|LiU| Actually Sent. Has a problem when he gets rushed. That's what Capcom AAA is for. __________________ Master of Electricity Intergalactic Warrior Where's mah pie bitch?!?! Posted by Ping on August 28th, 2001 06:53 PM: Sentinel's s.HK can hit Servbot. I remember this because it's the only snapback that hit him when I was playing around in Training Mode once. __________________ Fighting advanced players is so much effort. Posted by Dasrik on August 28th, 2001 07:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Bruton Megaman IMO is still fairly good against Sent, despite what ppl say. Can you explain this? IIRC, jumping fierce doesn't break Sentinel's super armor, and the Rockball trap is pretty easy to get out of (and sets Megaman up for a fierce stomping). __________________ The closest thing I feel to happiness is when I'm on the road going to someplace unknown... Posted by Wil Power on August 28th, 2001 07:38 PM: Let's see...who's better then Kan...err...Sentinel!?!? Here's what I think: Strider/Doom: Sent won't stand a chance once Sentinel is grounded by Ouroboros (sp?) Dhalsim/BH: Sim himself can take down the least though, give Sent a run for his money. Magneto: RUSHDOWN...nuff said. Storm: If paired with Captain Commando's AAA, it'll destroy Sent no doubt. But if it's Storm alone, Storm beats Sentinel hands down. Roll/Kobun/T.Bonne: is possible. Sakura/Evil Sakura: TELEPORT into infinite!!! Blackheart: Demons demons demons. Sentinel: A mirror match will make things equal. ----------------- Of course, a REAL good Sentinel player can win if paired with the right assists. There really is no dominating team in MVC2 but the most stable is probably a Mag/Sent/CC or Valle's team of BH/Sent/CC. Hell, Strider/Doom is very balanced as well but lacks a true AAA. Oh well, just remember that there is strategies that can stop Sentinel. Yet some characters alone can do the job too! It depends on the player, the teams, and the assists that back up each character. Peace! __________________ Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu...Kuzu...Ryu...Sen!!! Posted by Goku on August 28th, 2001 08:02 PM: Sent/Cammy is the shit __________________ Team Outkastz = Gay Posted by PikaPuff on August 28th, 2001 08:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Wil Power Roll/Kobun/T.Bonne: is possible. Sakura/Evil Sakura: TELEPORT into infinite!!! [/B] WTF do you mean... POSSIBLE!? IT'S DEFINATE, BABY!.. er ^_^ 3% definite, at least ...shit, I need to learn that sakuraVsent infinite... you see all those 'sent only' infinites, and think their all useless and unneeded... erm, till you go to SHGL ^^;, and see EVERY character-only infinite being used. about MY servebot ~~;. as long as sent doesn't get me into a GOOD corner/fly/aaa trap, then i can give them a tough match. flight can be stopped by qcb+hk (if you're poor on meters), not safe, or by leigion. fuck, i remember getting stuck in the corner tho, and giving them a 86 sec left win... <--my skillz btw, sentinel's s.HK connect at a very very very ery very close range, i guess, if it connected in training. everytime someone tries to snapback my servebot to my 95% red bar tron, sent's HK wiff's, and the crowd goes "ooooooooooo, your sent's fucked" ^^; then i proceed to lose anyways __________________ --- Roll(a/g)/Servebot(g)/T.Bonne(g): "3% Wins and going strong!" Jill/Sakura/T.Bonne: "Mags Rushdown? Zombie that shit... 'X' Trap? Hiyakeshita Sakura Tp that shit." Posted by SSF2T on August 29th, 2001 06:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Can you explain this? IIRC, jumping fierce doesn't break Sentinel's super armor, and the Rockball trap is pretty easy to get out of (and sets Megaman up for a fierce stomping). Well... I could help some. A charged shot will break Sent's super-armor any day. Which gives you an advantage to a point. __________________ "FATAL FURY 2" [Terry Bogard] If you're really good, then you wouldn't need to pick on guys weaker than you are. Posted by Nate X Grey on August 29th, 2001 07:03 AM: Sentinel doesn't really have no control over the ground area. I dunno what you guys mean, but c.hp XX drones controls the ground superbly well IMHO. C.hp XX super, c.hp XX fly, fly forward frying pan. If you're in unfly mode it makes it even sicker. Rushdown doesn't stop him much either. Sent's armour allow him to not care much about blocking low against rushdown. He can just jump back + CapCom + frying pan. There goes your rushdown. And normally, you'll need to throw out an assist against a flying Sentinel in order to gain some control and room to move in for an attack. This leaves you assistless for a short while which simply means you get frying panned + CapCom or some shit. Doom/BH? Sent flies. He gets hit by the inferno. He flies AGAIN. No more BH avialable. Sent flies over. Whack. Doom gets frying panned. Problem seems to be that Doom doesn't have any quick horizontal attacks. Photons are aimed down and the hp laser doesn't do well enough since Sent's flight is fast and the frying pan's range is godly. Strider/Doom stops Sentinel. But he can fly around calling some nice assist and try to trade hits with you whenever he can. It should at least get him some meter and damage Strider quite abit. Then Cable comes in and cleans up. Runaway won't work well too. Frying pan + flight can catch Storm. Storm can get in 3 hits but one frying pan even things up. Not pretty. Sentinel's main strength is the ability to ALWAYS trade hits and not worry too much. It'll soon make you afraid to throw anything out since you don't take damage as well as he does and it just throws the match in his favour. Sj.hp XX fly hk + assist, unfly, c.hp laser XX drones, c.hp XX flight, frying pan. Mix it all up and you get a truly dominant character that isn't easily stopped. And oh yeah... about CapCom assist owning Sentinel? It doesn't really do much on him anyway. If Sent has CapCom along with him... its YOU who should worry. Not him. __________________ DefiNATEly NOT Cable... All times are GMT. The time now is 10:45 PM. Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.